//----------Tempat Naro Script dr ucid wat +kotak di halaman blog----
I'm planning to put a nice story here, titled Story of The Day. Could be My Experiences, My Favourite Story or Updated Hot News.. but today i'll tell u bout my own story..

It happened last night.. When my BF drive me home
//-------Mine //-------------------------------------------------------------------
Rabu, 25 Juli 2007

English Version

Hola! ... as the tittle said, its my 1st english posting. Actually its a request from a friend, when he read my Blog, he asked me to write in english version, so here it is...

No particular 'hot topic' to discuss, just try to write something english... to know how good/bad my english skill is, and wanna keep up my writing skill too (hehehe... amateur, critics are xpected)...

OK, i'll try to tell something 'bout my thought, my feeling lately... has something to do with my friends...

Once, i've found a wonderful chatroom... in JGC (Jakarta Global Chat). I live in semarang, but prefer to chat there... & here i was, found a ... super-duper... friendly chatroom...
Actually started by a debate, someone was trying to lead there, another is trying to oppose. By that time, as new comer... i stand for another new comer, the opposant... The time i join that room again, i met someone who try to lead at the other day, with her friends... so, we get 2know each other... and one by one new comers are get along with us... make a new peace room...
Another time we met, we greet each other... chat, 'make peace' if people start to 'fight' in the room... an so on... we know each other better & better...

One day, the leader had a idea to create a new goup in yahoo... and everyone is invited to join in... meet, n get to know each other... &off course the member of groups actually meet in person... just some of the group, but it can say that they're the 'leaders' of the group...

Lately, we rarely OL together... mostly busy, finishing study, doing works, and some... just like to stay invisible... and rarely join in 'our room'...
I might had to say that i hav a... bad custom... is that, when i start to love, care of someones... there's feeling... i'm being affraid to loose them..., i cant bare the pain... to lose them. So, before they turn back and walk away from me... i run away, leave them... so i'll never see their backs leaving me... keep their smiles in my mind, so i only have wonderful memories of them, their smiling faces... when the laughing, giggling, smiling ...

I might not a good friend, i might not even a good person... but i'll be nice to everyone, as long as they're nice to me... thats what i have in mymind. I love to make friends, but again... as long as they want me to be, when the dont... i'll leave them, wish they got better life without my existance.

This is just a little bit what stuck in my mind, i might continue to write down all of this... might... But if i may ask u, read carefully, tell me if any part of any factors is wrong... thank you my friends

Love U guys, ... 69ers

posted by sippou.lucu @ 00.57

Why Cute Foxy

Wei, lg usil nih... so maunya nulis" aza... tyus inget banyak yg nanya ttg id vi... cm id siy, tp 'side effect' nya gede jg... banyak yg salah faham jg sih... vi coba jelasin deh, meski sbnrnya g perlu (hahaha... cm id jg, dibahas! cari alesan nambah posting nih :P)

Sippou Lucu, Cute Foxy... apa artinya dan knp?
Tau kan vi suka BGT ma anime?Specially yg judul na Inuyasha (jdnya cerita deh ttg anime ini...), disana ada karakter" utama, Inuyasha - si manusia setengah siluman anjing, baek sih cm mudah marah dan g sabaran , Kagome - kekasih inuyasha, cew SMU dr masa depan yg punya kemampuan mengusir siluman karena dia dr keluarga pendeta, Miroku - si pendeta mata keranjang, Sippou - siluman rubah (fox) kecil yang sihirnya belum sempurna , Sango ninja terakhir dari kelompoknya dan Kirara siluman kucing besar milik Sango. Meraka bersama" mencari dan ingin menumpas Naraku, raja siluman dimasa itu serta mengumpulkan Shikon No Tama, mutiara yang diperebutkan para siluman karena bs mendatangkan kekuatan yg sangat besar.

Sippou... co siluman rubah inilah yg vi suka (selain Sessoumaru - kakak Inuyasha, siluman anjing sejati dengan kekuatannya yang luar biasa... cakep jg siy ;)) )
Dengan sihir yg blom matang, dia sering berubah bentuk yg lucu"... dari burung elang yg kliatan agak bego... sampe melembung spt balom spy bs terbang... jg waktu yg terbatas jk berubah bentuk... agak penakut pula, lucu deh pokoknya... tp lepas dr smua kekurangannya, sippou adalah teman sejati, bahkan demi teman ketakutannya ditepis... nekatz aza lari maju menyerang meski dg menutup mata :))

So, vi ambil dia sbg id vi... sippou lucu... krn dia lucu, imut (cute) dan dia adl siluman rubah (fox), maka vi bikin nick cute foxy... gitu... tp di room malah dikira yg laen...

Karena di room yg ngumpul kan banyak, bukan org indo aza... so ada yg ngira vi tuh foxy (genit) gitu... blom lg di barat katanya namanya foxy itu mmg cew nakal gitu (eit, bukan nakal yg itu tuuh) tp cew yg tomboy lah, ngerokok lah, genit pula ... So, meski g penting, vi bahas deh knp vi ambil nick itu... dan bukan spt yg pd salah sangka gitu... vi kan baek, g nakal... usil sih iya >:) huehuehue...

Anime/Manga kesukaan selain Inuyasha, banyak sih... tp coba vi sebutin.. sapa tau samaan, so bs berbagi cerita.. lebih" bs kasih tau site wallpaper, manga bahkan anime nya :D

One Piece (komik na br mpe no 39, tp w dah baca sampe lawan CP9 di Enies Lobby) ,
Naruto (dah g ngikutin sejak g diputer diTV),
Samurai X (dah tamat di TV, tp katanya OVAnya sampe sikenshin punya anak),
Dr Slump (kocak abiss... g mpe tamat di SCTV, g tau manganya... ),
GTO (dl nntn di Indosiar, trus baca manganya... blom tamat bacanya),
Angel Heart (br mpe no 19),
Patlabor (cerita robot yg plg masuk akal mnrt w... g tau tamatnya gmn... ),
Monster Ranch (dl nntn di SCTV, ngebet pengen OSTnya),
Bakabon (kocak abizz... palagi si tetangga yg hobi nyapu... re re... re re....),

Laennya... SpongeBob, Tom& Jerry, Road Runner, Tazmanian Devil... buanyaaaak deh... saking sukanya ma anime mpe mukanya ky kartun =)) ...

Udah ah, dah banyak nulisnya, itu ituuu aza yg ditulis... menuhin blog aza nih... see u in another posting...

posted by sippou.lucu @ 00.50


Welcome to my Blog... Fiuh!! akhirnya jadi juga (+inget, soalnya berkali" bikin blog g bs login lg, lupa! :P)...

Met Pagi ...Siang ...Sore ...Malem, met apa aza... Salam Sejahtera, Moga sehat selalu... Loh, speechless gini...

Duh, dasar lg belajar sih... bikin blog berkali" tp baru ini yg bener (moga aza... doain ya?thanks!)... hehehe, maaf klo terkesan terlalu simple, norak, ato apalahyg kesannya amatir bgt ... emang kok, br belajar... makanya diharap kritik dan sarannya...

Bbrp link yg vi kasih 'originally posted by...' tu sbnrnya dah vi pasang di blog sblmnya, tp yaa itu, g bs login lg, so terpaksa bikin lg (moga g menuh"in servernya blogger :D )

Bagi tmn" yg belajar software yg samaan ma vi ni berbagi situs fav vi, diantaranya situs" tutorial Photoshop, Flash, Delphi, dan Ensiklopedi... ntar klo dapet lg vi add lg deh...
Udah dl deh, ntar vi tambah lg... Met menjelajah blog vi... jgn lupa comment nya ya? Thanks...


posted by sippou.lucu @ 00.45

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